Notable television and film actor that initially gained recognition from his role as Hiroyuki Kudo in the 2019 action and adventure series Ultraman Taiga. In addition to Ultraman Taiga, he is also well-known for his appearances in projects like Silent, Chijô no Seppun, Horimiya, and the comedy series Ikemen-domo yo meshi wo kue.
Before Fame
He received his first career acting role in the 2017 animation series Tenshi no 3P!. He was just 21 years old at the time.
Besides acting, he also has a passion for soccer, and whenever he has free time, he loves to go outside and play soccer with his friends. He is also recognized for his roles in the television series Unknown and Ooku.
Family Life
He was born and raised in Hiroshima, Japan.
Associated With
He shares a June sixth birthday with Ryan Higa and Ashley Park.